4 signs its time for a friend break-up

Odds are, there are people in your life that have you wondering if you should let them go. Here are 4 signs it might be time for a friend break-up and some tips on how to do it.

four signs its time for a friend break-up

4 signs it’s time for a friend break-up:

1. They make you feel less-than-great.

Think about the last time you got together with a friend or group and consider how you felt after. Were you energized or excited after a time well spent? Or did you find yourself anxious, drained, or even a little insecure? Trust your gut here, it’s telling you what you need to know.

Break-up tip: Find power in “no.” If you’re invited to activities or events with people who no longer appeal to you, it is ok to politely decline, without a reason. As they say, no is a full sentence.

2. The effort is often (or always) one-sided.

Scroll through your texts or DM’s. How often are you the one to reach out? If it’s pretty much every time, you may want to reconsider how much energy you're devoting to that person. Friendships are not always going to be 50/50, but they should ebb and flow equitably over time.

Break-up tip: Communicate that things are feeling a little one-sided and be open to the fact that they may not agree. If you cannot find balance, it is ok to simply back away.

3. They don’t respect your boundaries.

This might seem obvious, but sometimes it can be hard to see when it’s coming from someone we care about. The boundaries you communicate for yourself or your friends do not need to be understood in order to be acknowledged and respected. Anyone allowed in your circle should have no problem with that.

Break-up tip: Know your limits and communicate them; friends cannot be expected to know where those lines are. If they then unapologetically overstep, create space by limiting contact, activities, etc., and tell clearly them why.

4. Things just aren’t like they used to be.

It can be tough to admit when we’re no longer “clicking” with our friends, but it happens. If your interactions have started to feel forced or it seems like you don’t have anything in common anymore, it may be time to explore other groups and interests.

Break-up tip: Look for and engage in things that currently interest you, then invite your friends! They’ll either decline (and you still get to have a good time) or lean into the change and you might both find a new favorite pastime!

four signs its time for a friend break-up

Outgrowing friendships isn’t always easy, but it is normal, and we want you to know that you’re not alone.

If you find yourself looking for new connections, we invite you to check out our community.

Tiffany Shull

Tiffany is an author, editor, and WFH mom of Remy. Though she's lived across the West and Midwest, she settled down with her family in Indy in 2011. She's passionate about uplifting the diverse voices and experiences of women through their writing. Have pitch ideas? Reach Tiffany at editor@theCityMoms.org.


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