How to be a more mindful mom

In honor of World Mindfulness Day (September 12th), we’re here to give you a few simple ways of bringing mindful moments to everyday mom life. Mindfulness is about being present and aware of what’s happening around you without judgment. Easier said than done, right? Try these quick tips to begin a mindfulness practice today. 

a mom meditates with a toddler on her lap


You don’t have to set aside an hour in a perfectly zen studio to make meditation part of your routine. Think of how often you scroll on your phone - that’s an opportunity to break for a quick breathing meditation like this one. Take a few breaths and try to feel the calm within you that lies deep below. Try it a minute before a meeting or while waiting in the school pick-up line.

LEARN MORE: Check out The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle or visit his website for free videos on being more present.

Eye Contact

As moms, we have mastered the art of multitasking. But by doing it all, we sometimes sacrifice those slower moments of connection. Take a moment to stop doing anything else when talking to your kids. Take a breath to become present, make eye contact, and hold your gaze a few seconds more than usual. Now pay attention to how this feels and how your kid reacts. It may be uncomfortable at first. That’s ok! Making time for mindfulness takes practice when we’re not used to doing it.

mom kneels to create eye contact with her child while speaking

Practice watching

Next time your kid is playing or occupied with an activity, stop what you are doing and really watch them. Notice their expressions and movements. Imagine how they see the world. See them for who they are right now in this moment. We are constantly changing, and they will never be just like this again.

Community practice

Sometimes being part of something larger can help us stay on track. Consider joining a meditation circle or attending a yoga class regularly. A like-minded community gives us support and the much-needed social framework we’ve missed in these last few years of social distancing. Find a meditation center near you.

a mom spends time alone outside reading

Practice being alone

We’re not suggesting you schedule two hours daily for meditation, massage, and mindfulness (but if you can, then definitely do it!). Here are the ways our CityMoms reclaim their alone time:

  • Guided meditations (Check out Calm or Headspace)

  • Reading a good book

  • Journaling 

  • Keep to-do lists and family calendar up to date to clear your mind

  • Take a nap

  • Sit on the porch or patio - just get outside!

  • Epsom salt or lavender bath with candles and lights off

  • Walk or bike

  • Spend quiet time with pets (even chickens!)

  • Schedule a sensory deprivation float

  • Quick yoga session


Give yourself permission to find a quiet moment to try out one of these ideas to be present on this Mindfulness Day. You deserve a little peace and calm today - and every day!

Kristina O'Connor

Kristina is an Indy-area writer and mom of two. As a copywriter, she uses her writing skills to support small businesses. She also shares her passion for writing as a volunteer instructor with the Indiana Prison Writers Workshop, leading creative writing classes at a local prison. In her spare time, she enjoys visiting local museums and festivals with her family and date nights at the HiFi with her husband, Justin. You can find her here.


CLOSED GIVEAWAY: Win a Dinner for Two from Old Major Market


GUIDE: Direct primary care and FreedomDoc