5-minute self-care rituals

We hear it every day: Self-care is important. But what does self-care look like for busy mamas with too much on their plates? We’ve got four simple, game-changing self-care rituals to try - and the best part? They only take five minutes.

CityMom in a blazer and glasses sits at a café journaling over a custom latte.

Wash. Rinse. Breath. 

Skincare is not only a treat for now but a gift that keeps on giving down the road! Take five minutes to close the door to your bathroom, wash your face, and just breathe! If you’re looking to make it extra special - snag these under-eye patches to throw on, you can even wear them while finishing bedtime routines! 

Silent Book Club

Need a self-care routine but know you’ll have to include the family? Let’s get a book club going! No, not the kind where you all read and discuss the same book - not sure those littles are ready for The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - but where everyone in the house stops and reads in silence. It gives you two gifts, the chance to read that book collecting dust on your nightstand and five minutes of quiet (which is all you can hope for if your kiddos are under 6). 

Self-care extends beyond 5-minutes - read more mental health resources every mom should know.

Privacy Please

We know we know, asking for privacy seems like a no-brainer, but how many times a day do you do a private thing with the door wide open? Sometimes it’s necessary if you are the only one home supervising, but at least once a day we encourage you to put up that barrier! Whether it’s after bedtime, before dinner, or whenever you just need a deep breath, turn on that device and go into a room (yes, even the bathroom) and close the door. The world will survive without you for five minutes. 

Technology Is Your Friend

Have a long-term goal that has short-term steps towards success? Let’s get it done! We hear so often how mom is the one bearing the brunt of remembering everything for everyone, let’s use technology to ease that burden. Set an alarm for the same time each day and do something for five minutes to accomplish that goal! Want to eat a more balanced diet? Set an alarm for 11:15 am every day to snag an apple or your favorite Panera Salad. Want to be more organized? Set an alarm for 6:00 am every day to wake up and create that to-do list while the house is quiet. Make technology work for you!

Whether you choose to read a book or work on that big goal - take five minutes for yourself today. And if you’re looking for more moms-only-moments, come join us for a variety of monthly events from dinner to book club!

Liz Duvall

Liz is a born and raised Hoosier living in Westfield. She is a Sales Manager and mama of four kiddos through a blended family, as well as two doggos. Liz’s favorite pastime is listening to music or binge-watching the latest Netflix series. She is a lover of coffee and even started her own roasting business with her husband called Viewpoint Roasters in 2020.


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