Top 10 things for your parents emergency car kit

What belongs in a parents emergency car kit?

* This post was completed thanks to the support of Jiffy Lube of Indiana. As with any sponsored posts, opinions expressed are those of our talented writing staff.Most parents we know also spend a healthy amount of time in the car. Whether you're shuffling kids to/from school/sports, or dashing to Target for that must-have-this-minute item, or just cruising around your neighborhood {let's paint the scene: A Starbucks in hand, listening to Moana, and trying to stretch out that car nap just a little bit longer. Anyone?!}. We aren’t judging, we promise. Lots of car time plus kids in tow means somewhere down the road, you might find yourself in an emergency situation.Sure: Jumper cables and a spare tire are a super great idea {as well as the other essential items listed here thanks to Jiffy Lube of Indiana}. But parents out there are going to need to go the extra mile, per usual of course.

Here's what we recommend for your Parents Emergency Car Kit:

  1. Snacks: Five minutes in the car makes every child starving. Pack non-perishable items such as pretzels and goldfish in airtight containers or stock up on prepackaged single serve items. Pro tip: hide them well, or your emergency stash will disappear as fast as your little ones can say, “Mom, I’m soooo hungry.”

  2. Bottled Water: Great for mixing a bottle of formula or simply appeasing hot and tired kiddos, stash a few bottles of water in a cooler bag under a seat. This keeps them out of the sun. These also double as a portable washing station if needed.

  3. Wipes of All Varieties: Who knew there were so many types of wipes made for each and every body part? Stock up on all of them for your car. Boogie Wipes, Wet Wipes, generic wipes, disinfectant wipes. And of course, the all-purpose diaper wipe.

  4. Diapers: “I’m just going five minutes down the road. We won’t need diapers.” Famous last words. If your little one has a penchant for waiting until he is sitting in the car seat to go to the bathroom {speaking for a friend of course}, don’t leave the house without a few diapers in all applicable sizes.

  5. Coloring Books, Crayons, and Assorted Non-Noise Making Toys: Even the most imaginative children get bored, especially when sitting on the side of the road. So pack some crayons, coloring books, reading books, and other toys that make little to no noise. Nothing quite amplifies the sound of a toy than a closed car.

  6. Paper Towels: At least one roll, at all times. Thank us later.

  7. Toilet Paper: Because potty training stops for nothing, not even a flat tire.

  8. Change of Clothing: Pack a complete change of clothing for each child and adult in the family. Just remember to change these out seasonally. Excessive maybe, until you're dealing with a baby diaper blowout on the side of the road.

  9. Blankets & Outerwear: Especially approaching the winter months - tuck a fleece blanket in your kit. Not only is it great for emergencies in cold weather but it’s also handy for an impromptu picnic.

  10. More snacks: Because it's been five minutes since the last round! About now you're wondering if they have holes in their stomachs.

Basically: Your car should double as a very expensive, very large diaper bag. Yes we admit this may seem excessive, but it will only take one time without all of these items for you to realize your mistake, and we want to save you that pain.

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How to store it all? Thrifty parents can use all those reusable grocery bags collecting dust in the garage to store car items. Consider putting snacks and water in a cooler bag to protect from the sun. If you feel like adding a little style to the whole exercise, shop for a cute oversized tote. And while you're at it, add a monogram if you feel really sassy.If just the thought of getting stuck on the side of the road with multiple hungry children with impressively short attention spans makes you fret, join us at our theCityMoms Premier August Event, a Car Care 101 Class at Jiffy Lube at 1495 Keystone Way South. Snack, sip, socialize, and take charge of your automotive destiny! Jiffy Lube offers parents a convenient, one-stop shop for most auto-care needs and a waiting room for loud or active kiddos. Find a location near you at

Megan Bohrer

Megan, a transplant to the Midwest, still got excited by the first snow flurries of the season. Although her husband’s job as a private school administrator brought them to the area, Megan recently moved ‘home’ to Atlanta. And damn, we miss her.

When she isn’t chasing after her three children or putting herself through nursing school, Megan enjoys drinking craft beer, photography, playing soccer, and fantasizing about all of the Pinterest projects she will one day complete.


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