My toddler dressed me. {An experiment in self control.}

A few weeks ago, our CityMoms were all abuzz about the article "I let my toddler dress me for a week - Here's what happened"originally published by Babble. We applauded momma Summer for abandoning her worries and letting young Rockwell dictate her style of dress, shoes and even hair. So when CityMom Brandi said hey, I want to do that! well, we were all ears. Here are the details of her adventure.

First, meet Brandi. She is a sweet mom of {WOW} six, a wonderfully creative personality, plus it's hard not to be around her without a smile on your face. And in case you can't tell from the photo, Brandi's hair is pink. A beautifully rosy shade of pink that fits her better than anyone we know.

So why are you taking on this experiment Brandi?

"I thought it would be a fun experience for my daughter Violet and I. She was up for the challenge and looked forward to designing my style! She is definitely my fashion forward diva." Here are the details on their week of stylin' adventure:

Day 1:This was Monday... our first day of the experiment, and she actually went a little easy on me. I was nervous!Violet picked jeans for me... thank heavens.My husband had oral surgery so she said she wanted me to be comfortable to help take care of him {how considerate!}.The red boots in this outfit made me feel fabulous and confident.

Day 2:Tuesday: Violet picked this dress because it had polka dots and she liked the spots.Then she selected the pink scarf to match the pink boots.The sweater.... well, she loves purple! This was her favorite outfit of the week.We discovered I should have cleaned out my clothes before we did this experiment! We had several things in size 28 and I wear a size 12 now! Made me appreciate what I do have.

Day 3:According to Violet this outfit with the grey skirt is "fabulous!" Imagine that in a shrill sing song voice because she felt I needed a song to go along with the day and the outfit.I had black rhinestone boots and black leggings. She really wanted to do fishnets but it was a chilly day and we felt my legs would freeze. We made this tie dye tank top during a camping trip and it she wanted me to wear it because it reminded her of that time. The sweater was her gift to me to wear when we went out of the house so I didn't freeze.

Day 4:The white top was one I didn't even know I had! Violet said it looked like my mother-in-law's dishes from Holland. She loved the top because of that.The jeans were boyfriend cut and no socks with the ballet slippers... she said I looked like I was ready to go to the beach... then she sighed and said, "I love the beach." So that day I was the beach for her.Just a little side note: The jeans were new. This experiment really made me realize how little clothing I had for my newly-slimmed body.

Day 5:The Neon Orange Shirt Day or NOSD as I'll now remember it... The picture truly doesn't give it justice on how bright it is:On Friday Violet chose a neon orange shirt with the black thermal under hoodie with jeans. She picked this when we went for tea {notice her sweet tea dress}. She thought my outfit made me look like a grown up. She gave me socks this day because I complained enough the day before! They have hearts and stars on them.

What did you learn from this experiment? Would you do it again?

I learned that people aren't surprised anymore of my antics! No really, it was definitely difficult to do in the winter. We are going to try it this summer. It was a lot of fun and now my 12 year old wants a week so I will have 2 weeks of fabulous. I learned as I have lost weight I have kept clothing for mere emotional reasons and not for any other purpose. I had clothing that needed to move on and I struggled with that. I went into it with an open mind but fishnets in subzero degree weather had to be stopped and practicality over ruled some of her decisions once I explained to her the temperature. Hopefully summer will bring some amazingly unusual outfits!
Thank you Brandi - and to your fashionista Violet - for letting us follow along! 

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