5 Screen time alternatives for kids

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In our digitally driven world, screens are everywhere. They're a part of our daily lives, and it's only natural that our little ones are drawn to them. And hey, we admit, screens can offer some pretty cool learning opportunities and entertainment for our kiddos (and a break or two for us mamas!)

But here's the catch: Everything in moderation. Finding that sweet spot where screen time is balanced with other activities is key. It's about creating a healthy relationship with screens, while also giving fun and engaging alternatives.

Three children holding tablets

The American Academy of Pediatrics only recommends about an hour a day of screen time.

So here are 5 screen time alternatives for kids you and your family can do to fill all that extra time:


1. Game On!

Let's swap those video games for some good ol' board games. From epic card games for the little ones to strategy games for the older kids, a game night in the living room isn't just a great way to have a blast; it's also a chance for the whole squad to flex their mental muscles and bond big time.

Some of our personal favorites include: Uno Dare!, Twister Jr., and What Do You Meme? Family Edition!

2. Let's Get Physical!

How about taking the fun outdoors or setting up a cool water table in the backyard? It's all about hands-on activities that promote hand-eye coordination, sensory exploration, and, of course, a whole lot of giggles.

Why not try these with your family: Ring Toss, Cornhole, Throw N Stick, or a good ole fashion Slip n’ Slide!

3. Time to Get Creative

One way to pull the kids off those screens is to create opportunities for them to create! 

We're talking about activities like building epic blanket forts, getting their hands dirty with arts and crafts projects, or even embarking on their very own mini cooking show in the kitchen. 

Building Lego cities, painting their own masterpieces, or building space robots out of Play-Doh gives kids the opportunity to let their imaginations run wild.

4. Bookworm Vibes

Grab the kids and head to your local library for some new books! Then create a comfortable reading space for the family and let them dive into the worlds between the pages. Not only are books a great screen time alternative, family-focused reading time also helps to promote literacy and comprehension–an added bonus!

Quality reading time fosters a love of stories, ignites the imagination and encourages self-directed play!

Boy reading a book

Looking for some new books for your young readers?

5. Nature Adventures

There is so much to do in the Great Outdoors—try an outdoor scavenger hunt or take the kids on a nature walk to collect cool leaves and flowers. Why not grab a cool book about birds or bugs and let the kids explore? Visit a local park, nature center, or playground to run off some steam.

Gardening is also a fun, hands-on way to get the kids working with their hands. Plan a trip to your local nursery and let the kids help plant a new flower garden in the backyard.

Did you know that a lot of local community centers and public libraries have seed gardens? You can “borrow” packs of seeds to begin your garden. At the end of the season, you gather some seeds to return to the library for the next year! To find a seed library near you, check out this map.

Remember, not all screen time is bad! And by sprinkling these options into your daily routine, you'll strike that perfect balance.

We’re all ears, Mama! We want to hear YOUR go-to screen time alternatives. Send us a DM on Instagram and let us know how you find the balance.

Kim Chance

Kim, an author, editor, and former high school English teacher, currently lives in the Midwest where she spends most of her time sitting in a school pickup line. When she’s not writing, you can find her re-reading her favorite books for the hundredth time, watching True Crime with her hubby, or playing soccer mom to her three incredible kiddos. Kim loves to connect with other moms, especially fellow mamas of multiples, and she drinks entirely too much coffee.


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